Monday, September 1, 2008

when i grow up

i want to be famous, i want to be a star, i want to have boobies.

no seriously. for my non-celebrity self its very hard to figure out what i want to do when i 'grow up.' i pretty much consider myself 'grown up' being that i'm 20 years old. even though i live with my parents and dont have too many bills to pay im pretty much self sufficient. i work. im in college. my dad still does my laundry though. lol.

im at the point where i need to decide what i wish to continue my education in. honestly, if i were a genius id just be a doctor. yes im in school for 10 plus years but if i were a genius that wouldnt be an issue, because id love school. however, im not a genius. so i have to pick a career from a pool that a lot of other ppl are swimming in. the average pool.

i cant start my own business because get real. im poor. lol.

i cant even think seriously about any career because honestly i dont see myself doing well in anything. i dont even see myself having the opportunity of a dream a job, etc. i know i sound negative and unmotivated but im just being realistic.

school will be over soon. not soon enough.

public affairs vs. journalism. either way im going to probably get high stress low pay. or boring low pay job.

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